There's a McDonalds in Eagan that s-u-c-k sucks sucks sucks! I've been there a few times out of convenience as it's only a few blocks away from my work. After noticing the alarming trend of incorrect orders and horrible fries, I decided to cut my losses and avoid that McJoke of a restaurant.

My pal Josh happened to bring up this McDonalds in conversation today, but he absolutely loves this particular location. He has even gone as far as sending them rave emails about their service and their wonderful fries! What gives?!
Let's start from the beginning.
Scene 1:
Me: I'll have 2 Chipotle BBQ Snackwraps, a small Diet Coke and a small fry
Guy: Crispy or Grilled?
Me: Crispy, please.
Guy: So that's 2 snack wraps...
Me: Yup.
Guy: anything else?
Me: a small Diet Coke and a Small Fry
Guy: small.... Diet... Cooooooke.....
Me: Yes! And a Small Fry.
Guy: Anything Else?
Me: Nope! That'll do it!
Guy: Pull ahead.
Fast forward to when I pull ahead, pay, pick up my food and notice that there's only one Snack Wrap in the bag...
Me: Hey. There's only one Snack Wrap in my bag.
Dude: Uh.... you ordered one.
Me: No. I ordered two.
Dude: You ordered one.
Me: Excuse me? I know what I ordered. I ordered two Snack Wraps!
Dude: You. Ordered. One.
Me: Whatever! (speeds off)
Scenes 2 and 3 are the same, but on different days. Amazingly, the first part of the mission was completed with little difficulty; the guy and dude got the order right. The problem was when I bit into the fries. There's a difference between not-quite-hot fries and slightly older fries and what I received: COLD fries. These fries were so cold that the grease had actually congealed on the bottom of the bag leaving a cold, wet, syrupy gel on each fry. I had to throw 'em away.
Scenes 5 and 6 were the last straws. Without going into too many details, they were the typical McCases when the dum dums forgot part of my order. Dum Dums!!
So there, I've boycotted that location. That is, until today after I heard Josh's gushing over this Eagan McDondalds. Could I be that unlucky? Is it me? Is it my tone when I order??
Me: I'll have 2 Chipotle BBQ Crispy Snack Wraps, a small.....
Me: ... yes.
Me: yes. A small Diet Coke and a sm...
Me: yes.
Me: yes. I'll have a small french fry.
Me: yes.
Lady: ...
Me: ...
Lady: ...
Me: ... That will be all.
So then I pull forward and pay with my card. I get my card back and out of curiosity I look at the receipt. No foolin, the receipt was for a cheeseburger meal and a large Coke. Now I get to sit for seven minutes (I did look at the clock) while the panicked lady rushes to her manager to figure out what went wrong, credit my card, redo the transaction, and send me on the way. To my surprise, my order inside the bag was okay and the fries were relatively decent.
It must be me.
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