They used a formula weighing winning percentage and payroll, grading “each GM on two yardsticks. First, there's the performance (regular season winning percentage and postseason wins) during the GM's tenure versus the performance of his predecessor. Second, there's the GM's relative (to the league median) payroll compared with his predecessor's relative payroll.”
Forbes, McHale, allow me to quote my favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand:
“Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.”
Forbes, check your premises. Your formula is wrong. Kevin McHale CANNOT be the greatest general manager, therefore your formula needs to be retooled. The T-Wolves are amid a downward spiral and The Franchise has never looked so hopeless (By franchise, I mean both KG and the TWolves franchise itself) and it is an insult to hold the man responsible as the greatest at his profession.
Check it out here: http://www.forbes.com/home/business/2007/03/02/sports-greatest-gms-biz-cz_jg_0302gms.html
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