
Steve Irwin (1962-2006)

One of my favorite quotes that I’ve tried to live by comes from Aristotle: “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” I consider myself lucky as I found a job that I love; I wake up each morning excited to tackle the challenges that my workday presents to me.

For the last six years, my idol in this regard has been Mr. Steve Irwin. Steve was the embodiment of loving life and work, tackling each workday with full steam and enthusiasm, and being able to take pride in each accomplishment that results from all of the above. My thoughts go out to Bindy, Bob, and Terri. Thanks for sharing Steve’s love of life, work, and wildlife with us.

1 comment:

Smith said...

Steve Irwin is a great guy. I feel so sad that he is no longer with us! Rest In Peace Mate!
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