The Vikes? Who knows; and really, who really cares anymore?
The Wolves? Hah! McHale has run this jinxed franchise into the ground and The Franchise himself deserves to be let go to a competitor so he can get a ring. (Although I'd cry myself to sleep during basketball season).
The Wild? Uh... the Excel Center is neat.
Here's the spark plug, Minnesota!

Roger who? That old HGH freak had nothing on mi hombre, Francisco. After 8 innings, 7 K's and 2 earned runs, Liriano further cemented himself as my favorite Twinkie.
Now, add Liriano to Santana and the young bats behind 'em in Kubel, Mourneau and Mauer... LOOK OUT FUTURE, HERE COMES THE TWINS. Let's have one more World Series in the dome before we move outdoors, eh? October is mighty cold.
Oh yeah. Hey Torii. You have two I's. OPEN THEM AND USE THEM. The ball is LOW and OUTSIDE. Stop swinging.
My apologies to the Spanish speaking population... I am sorry for butchering your language. I am also sorry for assuming that Liriano speaks Spanish; I have no idea where he's from.
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