Every year on this day, my sister and I make a point on eating brunch and making a trip up scenic highway 95 to visit Paw's grave. This year we took maw with us and my little nephew, Henry. It was a beautiful fall day and Henry had fun running around the woods next to the cemetery. After lunch we treated ourselves at the same DQ that dad used to take us to after fishing on South Center Lake. I had a hot fudge malt for 'em (the bananas were my addition, though).
It was a nice day to celebrate the time we had with my paw.
When I got home and checked my email, I received the horrible news that my friend's dad passed away last Thursday. This friend of mine is the same age as me so I can understand what he's going through now and what he'll be going through for the next few years. It sucks. It's unfair.
The most aggravating aspect of losing a parent so early is all the great stuff they'll miss seeing: weddings, houses, kids, plumbing projects. I like to send a mental postcard to my dad at the end of each week that pictures all the accomplishments, news, and happenings on which he's missing out. The only thing written on the back, though, would be: Wish You Were Here.
A date with my ex
At that time I was a metal head with a mullet to prove it. Folk-Rock had no place in my personal discography. Somehow with that SNL performance Edie fired a direct hit to my heart. I ran out to buy Ghost of A Dog and Shooting Rubber Bands at the Stars the next afternoon. I made room in my CD collection between Black Sabbath and Carcass for Ms. Brickell. Edie was my new high school sweetheart.
(On a side note, part of the whole intoxicating nervous energy that she displayed on that night was caused by the backstage presence of Paul Simon (another member of SNL's 5-timers Club) who also hit it off with Miss Brickell. Ya da ya da ya da... they are married and have 3 kids blah blah blah.)
Throughout high school and college (the first time) Edie's songs would cause an instant smile on my face. The way the sweet softness of her voice and her lovey-dovey-la-la-la lyrics contrasted with my daily intake of Deicide and Descendents served as a sort of balancing force, I suppose. For whatever the reason, Edie Brickell was solidly my #1 favorite female recording artist.
Fast forward to 2006 and Edie is back with all the original New Bohemians. My sister and I made a date with my old high school sweetie, Edie, at the Fine Line in Minneapolis. This would be the first time I'd see her in person. When she took the stage a mere six feet in front of us, I pointed toward the stage, turned to my sister with a goofy smile and said, "It's Edie!" My sister gave me an understanding smile back to me, humoring me in my schoolboy crush moment.
Then Edie started to sing. Let me tell you. Her voice is still so perfect, so soft and pretty, so... never mind. I'm getting pathetic. Edie live sounds 100% just as good as Edie on the CD. Ahhh...
I spent the rest of the night in awe. I watched with a smile as Edie sang each verse while redirecting my attention to guitarist Kenny Withrow during all his leads. The Bohemians were outstanding.
It was a great first date with my ex.
Oh yeah, it was also nice to be one of the YOUNGER people in the crowd for a change!
AWWWWWWwwwwwwwww..... crap.

Now it's time to start rooting for my Yanks. Go Derek Jeter!
Steve Irwin (1962-2006)

For the last six years, my idol in this regard has been Mr. Steve Irwin. Steve was the embodiment of loving life and work, tackling each workday with full steam and enthusiasm, and being able to take pride in each accomplishment that results from all of the above. My thoughts go out to Bindy, Bob, and Terri. Thanks for sharing Steve’s love of life, work, and wildlife with us.
New essay on my Philosophy Site!
Testimony and Knowledge:
Contrasting and Evaluating the Humean and Reidian Models
According to David Hume, "There is no species of reasoning more common, more useful, and even necessary to human life, than that which is derived from the testimony of men, and the reports of eye-witnesses and spectators." The majority of a person's knowledge is based on second-hand evidence (I read in a book that Mt. Fuji is in Japan) rather than first-hand experiences (I traveled to Japan and saw first-hand that Mt. Fuji exists). As we are now overly saturated in propositions in this internet-fueled age of information, it is increasingly imperative that we have a guideline to help decide when it is reasonable to believe a proposition based on testimony. If we are overly strict in what we allow ourselves to believe based on testimony, we risk shutting ourselves out of a world of valid information. If we are too loose in our standards, however, we risk gullibly accepting false propositions. Both David Hume and Thomas Reid have offered guidelines that could help us decide when we are justified in believing testimonial evidence. I will examine Hume's view on testimony in Part I, then I will set out the contrasting view of Reid in Part II. In Part III, I will critically assess both views before concluding in Part IV where I will give support for the better of the two views.
Got ya hooked, didn't I??? (are you picking up any sarcasm yet?)
To read the full article: http://myphilosophypapers.blogspot.com/2006/08/testimony-and-knowledge-contrasting.html
Just Call Me Betty Lou...
Prologue: The Soccer Shoe
The indoor soccer shoe is by far the most comfortable every-day shoe available. They are form-fitting, sleek, and extremely light. Most importantly, they are the one type of athletic shoe that won’t make you look like a doofis. I hate soccer, but I love their fashion. Try on a pair; you’ll be sold for life.
The History of the Samba
In 1998, I purchased a pair of soccer shoes: the Adidas Samba. They are a simplistically lovely shoe: black with white stripes and an extra long tongue to cover the first few laces. More importantly, they fit my feet nice and snug and I thought they looked pretty rad. For eight years, I have been buying the Sambas. Each year they wear out and each year I get a new pair. There were times when I’d even plan ahead and purchase 2 pair at the buy-one-get-one-half-off sale so I’d be stoked for 2 years straight.
THE SAMBA: Soft, supple full grain leather upper with Brushed nylon quarter lining, HF molded tongue, and full rubber shell outsole with functional indoor sole profile.
Ever since I had the financial responsibility to purchase my own footwear without the help of my maw, I’ve been an Adidas loyalist. They fit my goofy feet and they have good style. My basketball shoes, my running shoes, my Sambas… all Adidas. Back in Kindergarten we all new what A-D-I-D-A-S meant and I stayed true to the philosophy of the three stripes.
On Sunday my wife and I made the annual trek to Famous Footwear to get my replacement set of Sambas as they were looking pretty ragged. On a whim, I tried on a pair of Nike Air Tempo Rivals. I felt a bit ashamed so I made sure that I did this a few rows away from my Sambas. The Nikes looked pretty rad, plus they fit a bit… (gasp!) better. To seal the deal, they were $10 cheaper.
The Betrayal… or The Midlife Crisis?
I bought the Nikes.
I don’t know if my feet just perked up after 8 years of being in the same shoe or what, but they told me to do it. Maybe my arches are in a midlife crisis and they need to fulfill some sort of Indonesian Sweat Shop fantasy or something. My ankles seemed to have perked up as they look down upon a white shoosh.
Say goodbye to your rivals in this throwback with style and substance. The Nike Air Tempo Rival offers a comfortable fit, and provides the perfect touch on the soccer ball.
I felt guilty as I walked up to the Famous Footwear counter, leaving the 9.5 US Sambas behind. Karla gave me a pat on the back and told me that all would be okay. Oh well, most guys buy floppy hats and convertibles when a midlife crisis happens. I bought shoes. It could be worse, I suppose.
Requiem for a Samba
I would now like to take a moment to thank my many pairs of Sambas for the 8 years of happiness you’ve given to my feet. Yes, you had no arch and you had little cushion, but boy you were light, streamlined, and really cool looking. You are the true sneaker as I could imagine ninjas donning Sambas before infiltrating some secret dojo. Yeah, the extra long tongue flap would occasionally flap upwards and make me look dorky. Yeah, you gave me blisters when I forgot my basketball shoes one Wednesday night. Yeah, you wore out a bit faster than most shoes… but we’ve been through a lot together, Samba, and my feet miss you already.
King Kong reviewed...
My review of King Kong (yes it's late, but I don't go to theaters) is up on Movie Patron, so give the site some love and check it out; it's been recently revamped and it's quite impressive.
The site: http://www.moviepatron.com
Direct link to my review: http://www.moviepatron.com/moviereviews/k/kingkong_revisited.html
Also, I have a lot of writing to do! I'll be doing more reviews shortly and some blogs about running and my recent trip to Vegas. Check back next week!
Who's Afraid Of A Wee Little Kid?
There's a new scary movie being advertised over and over and over again with some little kid whispering, "Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?" then whispering the movie info in some spooky scared kid tone.
STOP IT! We've already had our fill of spooky whispering kids:
"I'lllll neverrrrr telllllllllll."
"I see dead people...."
"What are Midichlorians, Master QuiGon?"
Whispering kids aren't scary. They are annoying and I want them off my television.
(Kids who write REDRUM in the mirror are a bit spooky, though.)
Reality Sets In At 31.

At the same time, I considered myself young: I could eat what I want and still fit into my 30x32 pants, the same size as in high school, I can play basketball with my young nephews every Wednesday and keep up, I can set the clock on the VCR when needed. I still rock out on my guitar every night and I can play the occasional videogame.
It's been a few months since my 31st birthday. I still fit into my 30x32's, but now the start of what looks to be a gut hangs over. Wha?
I weighed myself. I am now 154... that's 24 pounds heavier than my highschool-college weight! Apparently my body forgot how to lose weight by watching Saved By The Bell reruns.
Each time my wife cuts my hair, she has to ask what I want to do with my hairline. Once a month it creeps back, leaving stray hairs behind. I tell her to shave 'em off like the last time. Walking past a window downtown Stillwater, I noticed the sun glaring off my thinned out scalp and reflecting back at me, laughing, Ha Ha, baldy! Why don't you stop inside the antique shop? I know you want to! Damn sun.
It's official. I am old.
I now have to watch what I eat. To make it worse, I have to work off what I consume! Even worse: I went out and purchased running shoes and a pedometer! I now run a few miles every other day... and that's just to break even! I used to run in track back in the day, but now my muscles hurt a bit more than I remember and I don't remember sweating so much either. Sigh.
You know I went to see Deicide last time they came to the 'cities. I brought earplugs with me.
In reality, I think it's fun. I like to back up my old fogie attitude with a body that matches. I like to grunt and grab my back every time I get up from the lazy boy. I've earned it and I love it. My wife and I are going to grow reaaallly old together I and look forward to each surprise.
Did I mention my grey hair?
There is hope in Minnesota.
The Vikes? Who knows; and really, who really cares anymore?
The Wolves? Hah! McHale has run this jinxed franchise into the ground and The Franchise himself deserves to be let go to a competitor so he can get a ring. (Although I'd cry myself to sleep during basketball season).
The Wild? Uh... the Excel Center is neat.
Here's the spark plug, Minnesota!

Roger who? That old HGH freak had nothing on mi hombre, Francisco. After 8 innings, 7 K's and 2 earned runs, Liriano further cemented himself as my favorite Twinkie.
Now, add Liriano to Santana and the young bats behind 'em in Kubel, Mourneau and Mauer... LOOK OUT FUTURE, HERE COMES THE TWINS. Let's have one more World Series in the dome before we move outdoors, eh? October is mighty cold.
Oh yeah. Hey Torii. You have two I's. OPEN THEM AND USE THEM. The ball is LOW and OUTSIDE. Stop swinging.
My apologies to the Spanish speaking population... I am sorry for butchering your language. I am also sorry for assuming that Liriano speaks Spanish; I have no idea where he's from.
My philosophy papers...
In case you're interested, I am posting my philosophy essays on another site. I'll have one essay on the page at a time with links available to access other archived essays. The first one posted is my senior paper... it's a doozy!
Go here to see what my wife had to endure in her proofreading: http://www.myphilosophypapers.blogspot.com
Happy reading, philosophy nerds!
Happy 6.6.6 Everybody
But I was born to rock baby! To prove it, check me out--full mullet--i

Mullets rock, Slayer rocks, Deicide rocks, the goat horn finger salute rocks. Let us celebrate all that old metal music on this day.
I am now going downstairs to rock out on my V-shaped guitar (tuned down to C), write an "evil" sounding song, and make a mix of all that good ol' fashioned metal.
Have a good one! Next year we'll celebrate Danzig on July 7th!
what was in my car.......

Man, I've been waiting a long time for this CD: six years to be exact. This is the rumored return to accessible pop music that Mike Patton fans have been dreaming about since Faith No More broke up. Yes, we had Mr. Bungle's California and a couple Tomahawk CD's to feature Patton's singing over structured, beginning-middle-end songwriting, but we wanted something a little more sane to rest our heads after ingesting Fantomas and Maldoror. These were fun to listen to, but throw us a friggen 4/4 rhythm every once in a while, eh?
Anyway, this is everything I wanted. It's groovy pop music with a good hiphop beat, but it also has the typical Patton edge to throw you for an occasional "what the hell was that?" and keep you guessing what's coming next. Every song features a guest DJ, musician, or vocalist (Dan the Automater, Dub Trio, and even Norah Jones make appearances) but this is 100% pure Patton. He does his (sorry) "Patton-ted" tricks: crooning, whispering, screaming, etc. while not seeming as obtrusively goofy as his other stuff (i.e.: he actually sings WORDS on this one).
With no throw-aways, this CD is a concise, concentrated collection of densely produced tracks. They all have their hooks in order: catchy choruses, buildups to payoffs, and sing-along melodies. It's challenging enough to keep the hard-core Patton fan interested, but it's accessible enough to try to slip in to the CD player when your friend is in the car. While I did appreciate his zillion projects between FNM and the present, I can finally say: THIS IS THE PATTON I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! I WILL LISTEN TO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN!
Thanks, Mike!
Rating: ******** (outta 8)
Oh yeah, the packaging is really nifty. Not that it matters, but check it out if you are a downloader.
Dear Mr. Casey,

Dear Mr. Casey,
Please glue T-Hud's a$$ to the bench! Dwayne Casey, you must be blind or crazy because T-Hud's only contribution to a game is to make it more interesting by single-handedly making 15-pt. leads disappear! Stop. Using. Him. You have 7 point guards on your team now. Use. Anyone. Else.
Decision making... horrible.
Shooting... crap.
Defense... hah!
Shu-shu-shu-shu-shut him down!
Respectfully yours,
Whew! That felt good!
Shoot-Out (2005) reviewed on Movie Patron
Comments on the Wolfies
Comment # 1: McHale is my scapegoat.

Garnett needs help. He is in is prime and 'The Franchise's franchise offers him Marco Jaric to help? That's nice and all, but McHale gave up a 1st round pick for that one. Now, with the Davis trade, McHale throws in ANOTHER! Not to say that McHale has done anything with 1st round picks anyway, but still... the Wolves are old and slow due to the Joe Smith saga (being banned from 1st round picks for a few years) and they need youth injected into the system. McCants is nice and promising; I want more of that potentially-promising youth! McHale has sold the future for the now again and again, but what do we have for it? No future and no playoffs. Joe Smith + Chauncy + T. Brandon + Steph + Ndudi Ebi + Will Avery + T-Hud, etc = a good scapegoat in a GM. Ugh. I don't like where the Wolves stand and I don't see it getting any better. Which leads me to my next comment:
Comment # 2: If the Wolves don't have a future, let KG go... for his own sake.
I will NEVER EVER want KG to go. He's the sole reason that I ever learned the game. I hated basketball until I watched a broadcast back in the day to see who this Garnett guy was. I then fell in love with the enthusiasm of Kevin Harlan, the wisdom of Trent Tucker, and the beauty of KG's game. I then learned the game on the fly and became a NBA fan. Anyway, as I see the Wolfies lying in their own filth and seeing no hope in the future, I want KG to leave FOR HIS OWN SAKE. I don't want my favorite professional player EVER to not get a ring. I don't want him to join Malone, Barkley, and friends. Without a ring, KG will have that asterisk next to his mug in the Hall of Fame and we owe it to him to let him go to a franchise capable of helping achieve that goal. I'd be heartbroken, but I would also root for him wherever he ends up.
Comment #3: Wally had to go!
First of all, I've been screaming, "Get Rid Of Wally!" for yeeeaaarrrrrsss now. I do have to say I thought he was very good this year and I shut my trap after he finally seemed to produce

Comment #4: The Trade is too little, too late
The Wolfies still need the #2 guy. Who knows, maybe Davis will step up a bit and McCants will grow into a #3 guy. Until then, the New-Look-Wolves are only a little bit better than before. They are still not a contender and they are still wasting KG's precious time.
Go do nothing somewhere else and get paid $6 million--Good Bye and good riddance!
Conclusion: the Wolves got a tiny bit better, I don't like the fact that McHale lost another 1st round pick, and unless McHale has another trick up his sleeve to get KG a number #2 guy to play with, get rid of the guy... or let KG go to a franchise that deserves him.
More on moviepatron.com
My Profile on the 'Patron: http://www.moviepatron.com/contributors.html
Regarding the Hurricanes... Worst of 2005 amended
WORST OF 2005: Hurricanes! Katrina was a once-in-a-century disaster and the images from New Orleans were... well, I don't know the word as I have nothing to compare them to. I have seen these images from 3rd world countries, but never before from America (not including man-made disasters ala 9-11). It was surreal--but the nightmare was indeed real. Katrina was definitely the worst of 2005.