Ah... I love the crossword. I love to commit a good morning's half-hour with my coffee and my puzzle to get my mind started for the day. If you don't do the crossword, shame on you! I suggest you ape this behavior so your brain can become as sharp as an epee.
So I do the crossword in the Minnesota Daily daily. It's the only thing worth looking at in that stupid rag, but boy--it's a great crossword. Anyway, I gets to thinking that since 4 out of 5 crossword puzzles that I have ever done includes the clue:
45d: YOKO ____
does poor Cynthia Lennon get to do the crossword--or is it too painful for her? She has to be reminded at least once a week (according to my 4-outta-5 statistics) via crossword puzzle that her hubby ditched her for some crazy artist with a great crossword name.

<---I know C-Y-N fits, but the answer is O-N-O... sorry!
I suggest that you crossword creators out there STOP IT! Is it really necessary to use O-N-O? It's getting O-L-D now... a cliche... a cop out. Why not add a "B" and use "Singer for U2" or Cher's Ex? Really, now--let's try to be a bit more sensitive to poor Cyn as we try to fill in that last space in 43 down. One more minute dedicated to thinking up a fresh clue equals one more day that Miss Lennon can wake up, have her tea and crumpets, enjoy a crossword (or "box-puzzler"--as they call it over in Liverpool) and not have to be reminded of that screeching crack-pot homewrecker (or "flat-shambler" as they say across the pond).
OR, how's about we hook Cyn up with a guy with an equally cliched crossword name? Alec Guinness is dead, sadly, but there's always Mr. Baldwin... or I've been seeing EWAN being used a lot recently... he's been pretty hot lately... or, hey! RINGO!
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