So, on my way to the bursur's office to pay my $1007.61 balance for my tuition (it's an installment), I had to walk past the demonstration described in my ...idiots post below. On the way there, a ROTC guy in full cammo walked past two grungy guys with guitars and "Fight for Peace, Not Oil" signs. Being an adept people-watcher, I focused in on these guys to see how they would react to the army guy walking past them. One of the protesters-to-be used his sign as a mock-axe and pretended to whap the ROTC guy (of course--to his back) and giggling ensued. Nice. Go! Party for peace!
Walking past Coffman Union, I had to wonder if it was a protest or a block-party. Man, it looked like fun. Music was blasting, people were dancing, a splendid time was guaranteed for all. Choppers from Channel Five news and KARE hovered around campus to get their footage and I couldn't help wanting to look for a place to hide.
Look, it's great that we have the freedom to disagree with our government and to show our disagreement in public displays. I love that about this country. This wasn't a public demonstration of disagreement. This was a festival. For those people who were there to sincerely show their disgust for G.W.'s foreign policy--you should be just as frustrated as I am. Your peers were not issue-savvy students ready to form an argument--they were merely Lemmings drawn in by the Public Enemy blasting from the speakers.
Yes, you showed your numbers--there certainly are a lot of people who can stand and chant nifty slogans. You can make pretty signs

<-- Forget the Gophers, here's our new mascot!
My main point through this tired, groggy-minded rant is that I saw a lot of follow-the-leader today--and seeing that at a university upsets me. Couple that with the fact that the protest's organizers called for its supporters to leave class--to stop learning--in order to play Simon-Says and behave like lemmings and I get fairly angry (and scared). It may seem like I am pulling out too much symbolism here (shut off your brain and protest!) but I can't shake it.
Oh well... nuff said, I guess. It will be forgotten by most people after the news tonight. I'll pry forget about it after the Wolfies game tonight when I most likely will have something else to rant about. Hopefully not.