C8H10N4O2 equals C8H10N4O2

- Don't pet his belly, even though he's rolling around on his back practically begging you to do so. He'll scratch the crap out of your arms.
- Frisco never really meowed; he made a crazy pigeon coo or a weird "accchhhk acccchk" noise.
- His shiny black and white coat and somewhat portly stature made him look sort of penguinesque.
- Frisco was more like a dog than a cat. He was not aloof and demanded the attention of a good lap dog. He was trained to jump into my lap the second he heard my La-Z-Boy start to recline.
- Frisco took on the personality of his namesake from Atlas Shrugged: playful when he wanted to be, stubborn when he wanted to be, strong when he needed to be, but loyal and affectionate to those that were closest to him.
Frisco wasn't even 10 years old yet; this took us all by surprise. His heavy, labored breathing came on suddenly, but I reacted just as fast and rushed him to the animal hospital. The vet said it was either cancer or heart failure that caused the fluid to pool up around his lungs, and the pain and uncertainty of treatment made euthanasia the most humane decision. He didn't suffer.
Our other cat, Slug, is already wandering the house a bit confused. I'm sure he'll miss Frisco's authoritative thwaps on the head when Slug had pushed the wrong button and bit his ear one too many times. They were close pals, though.
My baby girl had only a few good months of true interaction with Frisco. I'm proud of his tolerance and patience with her. He took a good amount of ear pulling, head slaps, eye pokes, and tail pulls but never once retaliated. They would have been good friends.
I'm taking this a lot harder than I thought I would. It's probably the unexpected nature of this loss that's really upsetting... or it's probably the fact that I got really close to this cat and I'm going to miss my bud.
...And the 2007 Album of the Year Goes To....

What Gives?
...And the Concert of the Year Goes To....

There's a McDonalds in Eagan that s-u-c-k sucks sucks sucks! I've been there a few times out of convenience as it's only a few blocks away from my work. After noticing the alarming trend of incorrect orders and horrible fries, I decided to cut my losses and avoid that McJoke of a restaurant.

My pal Josh happened to bring up this McDonalds in conversation today, but he absolutely loves this particular location. He has even gone as far as sending them rave emails about their service and their wonderful fries! What gives?!
Let's start from the beginning.
Scene 1:
Me: I'll have 2 Chipotle BBQ Snackwraps, a small Diet Coke and a small fry
Guy: Crispy or Grilled?
Me: Crispy, please.
Guy: So that's 2 snack wraps...
Me: Yup.
Guy: anything else?
Me: a small Diet Coke and a Small Fry
Guy: small.... Diet... Cooooooke.....
Me: Yes! And a Small Fry.
Guy: Anything Else?
Me: Nope! That'll do it!
Guy: Pull ahead.
Fast forward to when I pull ahead, pay, pick up my food and notice that there's only one Snack Wrap in the bag...
Me: Hey. There's only one Snack Wrap in my bag.
Dude: Uh.... you ordered one.
Me: No. I ordered two.
Dude: You ordered one.
Me: Excuse me? I know what I ordered. I ordered two Snack Wraps!
Dude: You. Ordered. One.
Me: Whatever! (speeds off)
Scenes 2 and 3 are the same, but on different days. Amazingly, the first part of the mission was completed with little difficulty; the guy and dude got the order right. The problem was when I bit into the fries. There's a difference between not-quite-hot fries and slightly older fries and what I received: COLD fries. These fries were so cold that the grease had actually congealed on the bottom of the bag leaving a cold, wet, syrupy gel on each fry. I had to throw 'em away.
Scenes 5 and 6 were the last straws. Without going into too many details, they were the typical McCases when the dum dums forgot part of my order. Dum Dums!!
So there, I've boycotted that location. That is, until today after I heard Josh's gushing over this Eagan McDondalds. Could I be that unlucky? Is it me? Is it my tone when I order??
Me: I'll have 2 Chipotle BBQ Crispy Snack Wraps, a small.....
Me: ... yes.
Me: yes. A small Diet Coke and a sm...
Me: yes.
Me: yes. I'll have a small french fry.
Me: yes.
Lady: ...
Me: ...
Lady: ...
Me: ... That will be all.
So then I pull forward and pay with my card. I get my card back and out of curiosity I look at the receipt. No foolin, the receipt was for a cheeseburger meal and a large Coke. Now I get to sit for seven minutes (I did look at the clock) while the panicked lady rushes to her manager to figure out what went wrong, credit my card, redo the transaction, and send me on the way. To my surprise, my order inside the bag was okay and the fries were relatively decent.
It must be me.
The Timberwolvezzzzzzzzzzz.....
With that said:
My pal Mike and I decided it would be a good idea to buy a 3-pack of Wolfies tickets for games against the Mavs, Suns, and the CELTICS! Being that this is one of the few ways to get the coveted tix to see my all-time favorite Mr. Garnett, Mike and I had no problem shelling out $50 for 3 games.
That Mavericks game was last Sunday. What happened to my favorite sports franchise?! I know "The Franchise" is in Boston now, but c'mon! I did fully expect a blow-out loss at the hands of one of the NBA's finer clubs, but still... WTF? Can we at least try to run a play or two?
Even when the Wolfies sucked in the past, at least they had an identity of being one of the league's few round-the-horn/make-the-extra-pass teams. This team is as clueless as Kevin Munster and his lackeys. Besides one pick and roll play late in the 3rd quarter, Mike and I could only distinguish two plays:
The first play is called, "Give it to Al Jefferson and stand around," (GAJSA). We liked GAJSA a lot since it gave the ball to the lone Timberwolf that can actually produce. Unfortunately, the acute mind of Mav's coach Avery Johnson was quick to adjust to this complicated play and soon sent triple-teams to Al whenever "coach" Whitman ran the GAJSA. Rather than pass the ball out to the inept players around him (I wouldn't either), Big Al tried to bust through the triple-team and either forced up a prayer or turned it over.
The second play is called, "Dribble for a bit and chuck up a prayer," (DB-CUP) and we didn't like this play at all. Don't confuse DB-CUP for DB-TIO, which is really not a separate play but an offshoot of the former. The resulting turn over is merely an ad-libbed variation to Whitman's plan.
The one defensive set I could recognize was called "OLAY," which is not a clever anagram, but the sound of a matador and my bad attempt at a joke.

Oh yeah! It was rookie day too. Apparently this means that the Wolves' rookies get to make funny movies to show during time-outs. Rookie Cory Brewer's line: 16:37 minutes, 1 pt, 1 reb, 1 to. His +/- was -11 (!). Chris Richard's line: 10:36 for 0 points, 0 rebounds, 0 assists, and 1 turnover. THE FUTURE IS SOOOO BRIGHT!
End result: Mav's 101, Wolfies 78. Blech.
The main gripe I have with this crew and their coach is not the lack of talent or the lack of wins. I expected a crappy season after KG left. What bothers me is the lack of purpose behind each play (and upwards: it seems there is no purpose in the substitutions, the draft picks, the trades, the free agent signings, the GM, etc). It's one thing to run a play and miss the shot. It's another to walk around the court and fire up a prayer. Yuck.
On a brighter note, I did finally see the "Quick Change" half time show. It exceeded mediocrity.
New Years!
2008: I resolve to write on my blog.
Seriously, the last time I updated this blog was early March 2007. While this is shameful, it should be stated that my life changed forever late March with the birth of the World's most amazing little girl.
For security and safety and privacy and fear of the interweb's sake, I won't be writing too much about my little pumpkin face. but really, she's incredible and I try to devote every spare second to her. It's understandable how a blog that 3 or 4 people read would be pushed to the back burner.
Well, I reckon I can use a laptop and write some junk on my lunch breaks at work (which will also force me to stop and take a lunch) and get back in the groove. I have a bunch of thoughts to compile on 2007, which was the best year I've had in a lonnnnnngggg time, and I'll be sure to start posting soon.
Thanks for the time off!